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B.A. in Business Administration form Al Balqa Applied University

Mohammad  S .M . Habash

Bayader Wadi Al Seer,
 mobile: 0786203074, 0 795172529

 e      Objective

 To launch my career with a respectful company that would allow me to contribute to its growth and prosperity while improving my understanding of the local economical conditions and needs. & Seeking a job in the administration field in a professional organization, where I will develop my skills & experience & participate in the success & improvement of my organization .

e  Education
B.A. in Business Administration form Al Balqa Applied University ( of ) specialization in the management,  Selected Business Administration Courses: Principles of Management & Planning, Managerial Accounting, Economics, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Electronic Commerce, Management of Micro Projects, Production & Operations Management, Human Resources, Organizational Behavior & Theories, and Public Relations.

* General Education Certificate (Tawjihi) / IT Stream 

e    Training

* Field Training (6 credit hours) in Trust company (Part of the Academic requirements)

* A course in English language
* A course in work ethics  ( injaz company ) 

e    Work Experience

·          two years in sales 
e   Skills 
* Good Computer & Internet skills (word, access, excel, power point)
* Ability to learn and progress
* Good communicator with people and able to work in a team
* Tolerate work pressure

e Language   
 Arabic:  Excellent command, mother language
 English:  good command

References will be furnished upon request

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